Posted by Rik Wasmus on 09/15/07 02:30
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 23:42:46 +0200, Confused but working on it =
<PostInGroups@wherever.com> wrote:
> On 2007-09-13 08:10:48 -0700, Captain Paralytic <paul_lautman@yahoo.co=
m> =
> said:
>> On 12 Sep, 17:50, Confused but working on it
>> <PostInGro...@wherever.com> wrote:
>>> Just wanted to say thanks for the posts helping me make ths work. Ad=
>>> a few comments and after the readdir used a pattern match to test fo=
>>> .jpg, and seems to work fine on my test setup. Maybe I should test f=
>>> gif, tiff, and png... Anyway, here's the code:
>>> <?php
>>> //Open images directory
>>> $dir =3D opendir("images");
>>> //read files in the dir
>>> while (($file =3D readdir($dir)) !=3D=3D false)
>>> //test to make sure jpg
>>> if (eregi("\.jpg",$file))
>>> {
>>> echo "<img src=3D'images/$file' class=3D\"pad1em\">";
Hmm, are you sure about the class name? I'd say that on a new layout wit=
h =
the same HTML 'pad1em' could end up making very little sense. A golden =
rule of css is that a classname should reflect what something is, not ho=
w =
it is _displayed. A more suitable name could be something like =
'imagepreview' or the like.
>>> }
>>> closedir($dir);
>>> ?>
>>> For my next trick I'm going to change the above to read a thumbs di=
>>> and make a link to a larger picture of the same name in images.
>>> Shouldn't be too hard bt my last programming class was almost 20 yea=
>>> ago. :) Hats off to everyone that does this for a living.
>>> Thanks again!
>> I think that your ereg might find files such as fred.jpgs.php
> Yo Captain! (ex-nick of mine)
> So that will never be found because fred and I, well, his wife will te=
ll =
> you the whole story...
> Just like a million other peeps I take pictures. I load em up in my ma=
c =
> in iPhoto, make an album with the corresponding name and don't include=
> shats that were crappy. Export to a dir called images, filezilla to my=
> site. Use my little code to display on a page. I tried iWeb to make =
> pages, gallery databases done in php, and holy cow way to complicated.=
> Just easier to manage everything in directories by some kind of topic.=
> So is there a way for your exampe to happen?
Oh yeah.
(Just make sure the file is a proper image directly after an upload. =
Examining extention or mime-type is no good. I'm quite happy to us =
getimagesize() for this purpose, as it would return false if it couldn't=
interpret a file as an image.)
And to display only files _ending_ in jp(e)g, I'd use =
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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