Reply to Re: OT - Oh, so OT.

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/16/07 17:30

Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(Jerry Stuckle)
>> When you only look at one side, you get a biased opinion. Try the other
>> side for a change - Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, for instance. Facts
>> you never hear "reported" by the liberal media.
> Hmm, these guys?
> The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read
> The Way Things Aren't: Rush Limbaugh Debates Reality
> Micha

ROFLMAO! How long did it take you to find that pack of lies - taking
part of a conversation out of context and twisting it around.

You should have heard Sean's response - on the air - to this website.
He described their lies and half-truths one at a time. I'm surprised
they even have the balls to have the website up.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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