Posted by Blinky the Shark on 09/17/07 07:45
Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 16 Sep 2007
> 11:09:15 GMT Blinky the Shark scribed:
>>>> About a half-hour ago I finished "Clashes: Air Combat Over
>>>> North Vietnam 1965-1972".
>>> Ain't read too many war stories. Actually, I can't think of a
>>> single one.
>> I rarely read any war stories, either. That one is analysis of
>> the effectiveness of training, tactics, formations, hardware,
>> detection and control, electronic countermeasures, weaponry,
>> etc. About all I read any more is history.
> Be ye a history buff? I had a real interest in world history
> which has waned slightly over the years, but the schools made
> U.S. history just too staid. Read a few books about the dawn of
> various (non-Egyptian) societies which I liked though they could
> be quite dry in parts sometimes. Always wondered not only where
> I came from but where "we" came from.
I enjoy reading history and certainly have become more interested
in it as I've gotten older. I'm no perfessor, granted. :) As
for ancient, I recently read http://tinyurl.com/2o3ea9 . I took
Greek drama and archaeology back in college. Even back in public
school I kinda liked history but I spent more time with the
sciences, through physics -- which was my favorite.
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