Posted by Steve on 09/18/07 16:51
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Shelly wrote:
>> "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
>> news:gfPHi.28$zy3.22@newsfe02.lga...
>>>> And BTW - atheism is a religion, also. This is conveniently
>>>> "overlooked" by those espousing it in the name of "freedom". But many
>>>> atheists are trying to force their religion on the rest of the country.
>>> if you're not an atheist, don't presume to know what it is outside of a
>>> proper dictionary definition.
>>> atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods.
>> Sorry, Steve, but you have to give the devil his due here. From
>> www.m-w.com
>> Main Entry: athe·ism
>> Pronunciation: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
>> Function: noun
>> Etymology: Middle French athιisme, from athιe atheist, from Greek atheos
>> godless, from a- + theos god
>> 2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there
>> is no deity
>> To me those are declarative statements and not passive ones. It is a
>> "disbelief" rather than a "lack of belief". Also, when you mix
>> "doctrine" with theology you have "religion".
>> The point though that Jerry is trying to make is totally wrong, however.
>> Having an atheist in there, and not allowing mixing of standard religion
>> with politics is NOT forcing the "religion" of atheism on anyone.
>> Everyone is free to believe and practice as they wish -- just not mix it
>> into politics. My earlier statement of the flourishing of religion in
>> the USA **BECAUSE** of the separation and freedom goes to that point.
> I'm not saying there has to be a mix of religion and politics. But I am
> saying the President is also a citizen, and welcome to practice his
> beliefs.
> Personally, I would rather have a President with certain moral values
> which are taught by religion. He could be Christian (my belief), Jewish,
> Muslim or any of a number of different religions which share those same
> core values. I'm not saying I would not vote for an atheist, but it is
> one of the things I take into consideration when looking at candidates.
> Not to say all people who are religious follow those values - take Clinton
> for example - getting caught with his pants down (literally). That is
> something that I, as a Christian, have never done and will never do, and I
> find that behavior abhorrent. My values are higher than that.
you are, intentionally or not, saying that atheists have no morals...or ones
that are substandard to religious orthodoxy. what a crock of shit!
if anything, i realize as an atheist that i don't get the luxury of an
afterlife, that my meaning is limited to this lifetime and what things i
engage in here and now. i have probably an even more profound sense of the
precious nature of life than do you, since i'm not getting another shot at
it...ever. my 'meaning' in life is found by helping others. that's it. it's
that simple. tell me that is something counter to ANY religion. if i base
all of my decisions on that singular premise, then i've met the core
requirements of ALL religions...and without any need of a god or gods as
impetous to do so.
take you pompous head out of your agitated sphinter, you close-minded,
superiority complexed bastard.
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