Posted by Aaron Todd on 02/10/05 18:06
I have a loop that is putting the filenames of files in a certain directory
into a listbox. I am then using the onChange event of the listbox to fire a
function. In this script the onchange event sends the function the path an
filename of the chosen file from the list. I have tested what I am sending
with a javascript alert and it looks ok. The funstion is supposed to open
the file and then make a new file(im working with jpegs using GD).
Unfortunately it isnt working the way I would want it to. Can soneone check
this code and see if there is anything wrong. In the browser it doesnt do
anything. I had hoped for at least an error code.
Hope someone can help...Thanks
function createimage($picpath){
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($picpath);
$path = "images";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
echo "<select name='filelist' size='14' multiple
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
if($file!="." && $file!=".."){
echo "<option value='$file'>$file</option><br/>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<img border='0' src='images/temp.jpg' width='300' height='224'>";
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