Posted by Erwin Moller on 09/19/07 09:15
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
> Michael Fesser wrote:
>> "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that" and promply vanishes in
>> a puff of logic.
> My absolute favorite scene from the four books of that trilogy is the
> final one, the one that according to the timeline, actually happened first.
> It's the scene where the folks from the "second" ship (the one that
> launched first) have already crashed on Earth.
> The military fellow decides to go explore the other continent, and when
> he does, he finds no life. But being a good Republican-type, he
> declares war on that land - for pre-emptive defense.
> In case civilization ever does spring up there, after his pre-emptive
> strike, they'll think twice about attacking.
My fav too! :P
Gongaflingi or something they called themself in those days.
They filled it up with 'the middleman', being haircutters, in-house
decorators, lawyers, etc.
Oh my, do I miss Douglas. :-(
Erwin Moller
> --
> My second favorite scene, in light of our current situation, is when
> they decide upon tree leafs as the standard for currency - instantly
> making everyone of them fabulously wealthy, although it does also cause
> the prices to skyrocket.
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