Posted by The Natural Philosopher on 09/19/07 10:17
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> So you profess a belief in no god. A disbelief is also a belief.
Only a fundamentalist can say that.
And it isn't true.
You really don't understand anything abut faith and belief, do you?
It is not a disbelief. It is simply absence of belief.
Having faith in nothing, is not the same as not having faith in anything.
YOU are saying that $GOD=NULL; is a statement in *my program*.
I am telling you that there is no $GOD variable to be found anywhere in it.
Which surprises you, because you assumed that it came with the whole
language. I am telling you it doesn't.
>> I also profess no belief in leprechauns. Does that make me some kind
>> of religious person?
> Leprechauns are not gods.
How do you know that?
>> In fact there are thousands of things I do not believe, up to and
>> including that GW Bush is the reincarnation of Immelda Markos.
>> Like my non belief in god, the are simply not worth mentioning.
>> What religious people do not like at all, is that to an atheist, the
>> issue of whether god exists or not is simply irrelevant. Uninteresting
>> in the highest degree. Its useless to believe or disbelieve. It has
>> little objective effect either way.
> I really don't care one way or the other what you think. Your religious
> views are your own. Just don't infringe on my right to believe as I
> choose.
I don't have any religious views, Jerry. That is the whole point.
I live a life in which religion *of my own* simply DOES NOT FEATURE.
Days and weeks go by without me even thinking abut religion. And dare I
say it, its the better for it.
>>> And you have a belief in the lack of a god.
>> No, simply no belief in its existence. And no need to have or not have
>> the belief.
> Same idea, different words.
Not at all.
An act of disbelief is an act.
Simply not believing in the first place is not an act. Its the absence
of an act.
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