Posted by noor.rahman@gmail.com on 09/19/07 21:46
On Sep 19, 5:06 pm, "M@" <mattcush...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me why I can't set the column widths? The message
> field is huge, so the rest of the columns are fairly cramped and word
> wrapped. I'd really like to be able to set my columns so that the
> last column takes up less, and wraps more.
> Any ideas?
> thanks,
> M@
> <table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="blue">
> <tr bgcolor="white">
> <td width="10%">Ticket
> </td>
> <td width="30%">Assigned To
> </td>
> <td width="20%">Subject
> </td>
> <td width="50%">Message
> </td>
> </tr>
> <?php
> include 'config.php';
> include 'opendb.php';
> $query = "SELECT t.ticket_id, t.subject, t.message, s.staff_name
> FROM hdp_tickets t, hdp_staff s
> where s.staff_id = t.assigned_to";
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
> ?>
> <tr bgcolor="white">
> <td class="tableTD" width="10%"><?php echo $row['ticket_id']?> </td>
> <td class="tableTD" width="30%"><?php echo $row['staff_name']?></td>
> <td class="tableTD" width="20%"><?php echo $row['subject']?></td>
> <td class="tableTD1" width="50%"><?php echo $row['message']?></td>
> </tr>
> <?php}
> ?>
> </table>
Why don't your widths add up to 100%?
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