Posted by Tony on 07/20/05 22:15
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah wrote:
> Josef Blφsl wrote:
>> hi folks!
>> i have a cart link in all of my listed products on the site. when i
>> press this link i will generate a url like this
>> http://www.mysite.com/index.htm?location=shop&view=cart&action=addtocart&productid=3
>> after i press this link the site cart.php will be included and add
>> the wanted product to the cart, and show the cart.
>> my problem now is after the cart is showed with the new product in
>> it, when i press the F5 key in the browser to refresh the site, the
>> same product will added to the cart once more, because the previous
>> generated url is unchanged in the browser.
>> have anyone a idea how to fix this problem?
> This is not acutally a problem. Moreover it's a usability feature.
> If it's get added, the enduser may delete it.
Actually, it's easily solvable. You have two scripts - let's call them
additem.php and showcart.php
when you add an item to the cart, it calls additem.php, which does the
actual work of putting the item in the cart. But it doesn't output anything.
When it's done processing the added item, additem.php uses header() to call
showcart.php, which displays the cart. If you hit refresh at this point,
you're only refreshing showcart.php, and not processing the added item
Tony Garcia
Web Right! Development
Riverside, CA
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