Posted by Blinky the Shark on 09/22/07 21:00
Neredbojias wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 00:29:55 GMT
> Blinky the Shark scribed:
>> Neredbojias wrote:
>>> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Fri, 21 Sep 2007
>>> 17:44:43 GMT SpaceGirl scribed:
>>>> If you have a Windows machine, chances are you have .NET installed.
>>>> Same thing again... .NET is just a series of libraries that let you
>>>> run things. It doesn't do anything on its own.
>>> Partially - I don't update it.
>> I have a laptop with XP. It's not important to me, so I let MS update
>> it about once a month. It always tells me I need this particular .NET
>> update, and after I okay that along with the other shit, it tells me it
>> can't do the .NET upgrade. Been doing that for as long as I can
>> remember (I bought it in January of last year).
><g> Well, ya know, Microsoft _is_ frustrated. People just don't do things
> right. What they do do screws up their excellently-working software which
> would work excellently if people would just use it the way they're supposed
> to. You must have done _something_ inimical to the system - loaded a gif
> or reset your screen resolution, or something! It's quite a syndrome.
I have committed those sins from time to time. Worse, I've been known
to use non-MS (there! I said it!) programs.
> Btw, you know anything about all these new certificate warnings I'm all-of-
> a-sudden getting all the time? Methinks it might have something to do with
> one of MS's latest security updates.
Haven't seen 'em.
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