Posted by Tony on 07/20/05 20:01
Stefan Rybacki wrote:
> Hello wrote:
>> There is a function in PHP that strips the HTML tags called
>> "strip_tags" then when you get the string back with no tags use
>> "substr" or something to get the first 100 chars.
> How will that help him, since I guess he needs the HTML tags?!
I could see that possibly causing some problems, since you would have
opening tags but no closing tags. Depending on the tags, of course:
<pre>This is a string of more than 100 characters. This is a string of more
than 100 characters. This is a string of more than 100 characters. This is a
string of more than 100 characters. This is a string of more than 100
characters. This is a string of more than 100 characters.</pre>
could cause the rest of the page to not function properly. Seems to me that
stripping the HTML would be better, if you're not displaying the whole
Tony Garcia
Web Right! Development
Riverside, CA
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