Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 09/23/07 17:21
Joe Butler wrote:
> OK, thanks for that.
> This is the testing area so far...
> http://www.hertfordshire-it-support.co.uk/test-lfl/
> Any comments welcome on what I've done so far.
You have HTML comment marks in your CSS file. (<!-- and -->)
> I always used to close off paragraphs, but noticed that the w3
> validator is showing valid markup even when they are left open and
> then saw something that implied only xhtml required <p> to close, so
> I assumed it was ok.
There are some CSS errors:
> I'm doing these pages by hand, and closing off paras is just another
> detail that is nice not to deal with.
...or: using them indicates to the coder "this paragraph is over." Kind
of like adding an "End Function" line in programming code.
> I hadn't realised about the transitional/strict thing. I'll look into
> it.
Ok. Transitional is for 'transitioning' legacy pages.
> The thing about the <br> tag is it seems cleaner in the overal code
> structure - i.e. not needing to repeat <p class="mycontent"> at each
> visual para linebreak. But I guess, if that's the right way to do
> things, then I'll modify the html.
If you were to use multiple <br>'s, some browsers collapse them to one.
..mycontent p { [styles] }
<div class="mycontent">
<p> ... </p>
<p> ... </p>
<p> ... </p>
Your test page doesn't fit in my browser window, and presents a
horizontal scrollbar. That's annoying. <g>
What is the reason for the tables? Google up: CSS 3 column template
and this: http://allmyfaqs.net/faq.pl?AnySizeDesign
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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