Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 09/24/07 15:55
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Doan Noahlot wrote:
> Fair enough.
> The only thing that really makes sense is to mirror the
> server environment on your desktop. I like to use Netbeans
> for Java. I have an old Zend for php. Can't say I like it much.
> I'll have to suck it up and get eclipse/php going.
> Last time I looked it was still in beta.
> Does it make any sense to use php on a windows server?
> I mean it might be better than asp/.net (which I don't
> know about). But why *would* a person code in php on
> a windows machine, when they could do it on a linux box,
> which is sooooo much more convenient, it seems to me.
> (ssh, perl, python, version control, cron, etc).
> I'm not trying to insult or start a war, I'm just
> curious. Why run php on a windows server *rather* than
> linux? I'm perfectly willing to believe there is a
> good reason. I just can't imagine what it is.
I see your point in that - I would much rather develop in either an
entirely *nix or entirely windows environment. I just happen to run a
windows box for everything else I do and it just so happens that (at
this moment in time) linux hosting is cheaper than windows.
If I could afford it, I would buy up a dedicated server for myself, set
up an X11 server and basically run my entire computing from that, using
any old computer I have access to simply as a dumb terminal. *dreams on*
You can get all of those services you listed above running with windows
(if you can call scheduled tasks nearly as good as cron).
Ideally, and I know this isn't always true, code written in PHP _should_
be cross-platform.
- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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