Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/25/07 10:29
deepweb wrote:
> On Sep 24, 11:20 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> deepweb wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Does anyone know of a watchlist function or tutorial on how it might
>>> be achieved
>>> I want people to add database records to a watchlist for the duration
>>> of their visit to a site.
>>> Not sure if it might be cookie or session driven
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Steven
>> Impossible, because you cannot know the "duration of the visit to a site".
>> The ONLY thing you can know is when they made their last request to your site.
>> Anything else is a pure guess.
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> Hi there,
> Thanks for that, I must not have asked the question right, as there
> are lots of site where you can click a button or link to add the
> current page/record/article to "your watchlist" ie a list of items you
> are interested enough in to tag as important.
> I have a list of activities and accommodation that I want people to be
> able to tag and then present them with a list they can print or email.
> Does that explain it a bit better
> Cheers
> Steven
OK, now I understand.
You could make this either cookie or session driven; personally I'd make
it session driven (less traffic on the 'net). If you want to give them
the ability to save them across sessions, then I'd suggest a database.
No tutorials I know of - just store in and read from the $_SESSION
superglobal as necessary. And no scripts - something like that would be
quite site specific. But also very easy to write.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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