Posted by Ridge Burner on 07/21/05 17:35
I used print_r($_GET) at beginning of script and it returns:
Array ( [video] => hide )
so the var is set, but it is just not setting the cookie.
This script is copied from another domain (where it works fine), the only
difference between the two being the domain name in the 5th parameter.
Do you think I should put the setcookie and the [un]setcookie on different
pages like so:
setcookie("video", "hide", time()+60*60*24*30*12, '/', 'mydomain.com');
header("Location: index.php");
setcookie("video", "hide", time()-(60*60*24*30*12), '/', 'mydomain.com');
header("Location: index.php");
using: print_r($_COOKIE) || print_r($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS) || var_dump($_COOKIE)
returns 'NULL' when user is redirected to index.php
"The Hub" <thehub@lofty.net.au> wrote in message
> Your problem is here:
> if($_GET['video' == "hide"])
> 'video' == "hide" returns false.
> if($_GET[false]) returns false.
> "Ridge Burner" <nospam@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:YDNDe.168689$x96.160514@attbi_s72...
>>I can't for some reason get this cookie to set! Am I not understanding the
>>correct way to do this? Here is the script:
>> <?
>> if(isset($_GET['video'])){
>> if($_GET['video' == "hide"]){
>> setcookie("video", "hide", time()+60*60*24*30*12, '/',
>> 'mydomain.com');
>> }
>> if($_GET['video' == "show"]){
>> setcookie("video", "", time()-(60*60*24*30*15), '/',
>> 'mydomain.com');
>> }
>> }
>> header("Location: index.php");
>> ?>
>> Any help would be appreciated!
>> Ridge
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