Posted by Blinky the Shark on 09/29/07 04:38
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Jim S wrote:
>>> Finished for now
>>> Now to learn how to build without using tables as placeholders.
>>> Thanks for your help.
> My version:
Yeah, I didn't inable FireBug or WebDev or anything. Probably
> I think it is the: <td style="width: 16%;
> Those buttons just won't fit in 16% of our browser windows.
> Notice the Firebug error as well:
> "Unknown property 'behavior'. Declaration dropped."
Yeah. What's that about?
> In IE6 on my Winbox, the table of performances has no cell borders.
> Makes reading it more difficult.
Besides that, it's got something peculiar workin' here.
Holy smokes! Does *that* ever need not-inline styling. Yikes!
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