Reply to Re: url and no php file see

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Posted by J.O. Aho on 09/29/07 16:04

artev wrote:

> I want that file two.php and file three.php aren't never accesible by url;
> I think that is necessary some row in htaccess; not sure if is this
> solution; or is necessary change file's CHMD ?

If you chmod/chown the files so that apache can't read the files, then they
won't be possible to execute them, but you will also not be able to include
those files in other scripts that are run via the apache.

> is possible write in htaccess a code that if one write
> or
> is redirect always at index or see an error in the page?

Yes, it's possible, I do suggest you look at for mod_rewrite.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> other:
> for a directory which is the code for protect all the file excluse the
> index files ?

I would suggest you just had the index file in the root directory and then put
all the other files in a sud directory which you limit the access to, it's a
lot nicer way to administrate the rights than have to reedit the .htaccess
each time you create a new file.



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