Posted by Nick Chan on 10/02/07 05:23
thanks all for the help!
On Sep 29, 3:51 am, Hugo Kornelis
<h...@perFact.REMOVETHIS.info.INVALID> wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 03:12:25 -0700, Nick Chan wrote:
> >hello, what are the strategies when designing tables that needs
> >paging?
> >in the past i used to use
> > select top 200 * from table
> > where id not in (select top 100 id from table)
> >with SQL 2005, would u guys recommend using CTE and/or ROW_NUMBER?
> >or any other advice?
> Hi Nick,
> With SQL Server 2005, I'd definitely consider the CTE + ROW_NUMBER
> approach. The odds are very high that this will perform better than any
> other technique - though it's still odds; you'll have to run your own
> tests to find out what REALLY is best on your hardware, your data, etc.
> Many other techniques are described at the page below; unfortunately it
> has not yet been updated for SQL Server 2005 :-((
> http://databases.aspfaq.com/database/how-do-i-page-through-a-recordse...
> --
> Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
> My SQL Server blog:http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
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