Posted by Steve on 10/02/07 13:28
"Jerry Stuckle" <> wrote in message
> Jim Carlock wrote:
>> "RageARC" wrote...
>>> using namespace curl;
>>> init...
>>> exec...
>>> close...
>> That looks like Visual Basic 3/4/5/6...
>> Dim db As DAO.Database
>> Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
>> Dim sSQL As String
>> sSQL = "Select * From customers;"
>> With DAO
>> Set db = .OpenDatabase("mydata.mdb")
>> Set rs = .OpenRecordset(sSQL)
>> End With
>> '... rest of the code
>> Except I think it works a little better with the "With" in
>> Visual Basic.
>> What's the advantage of a namespace if you have 5 different
>> databases to connect to?
> Absolutely nothing. Namespaces are for source code separation, not
> database selection.
jerry, i think he meant the DAO used in the 'with' statement...which is NOT
a namespace but an object instance. i believe his code sample above would
fail anyway since i don't recall DAO being a static class - static was
introduced to vb in
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