Reply to Re: Hey Stevie The Wonder Retard! Jerry Stuckle Still Sucks My Cock!

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Posted by Steve on 10/03/07 16:15

"Onideus Mad Hatter" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 10:15:37 -0500, "Steve" <> wrote:
>>> Maybe now is a bad time to mention this, but in case it hasn't dawned
>>> on your idiot ass yet...I've been using you to perma-plaster these
>>> threads into Google's archives.

<snip omh's new addiction to steve>

>>> That way anyone in the future who runs a search on the name "Jerry
>>> Stuckle" is gonna find all sorts of nasty things attributed to his
>>> name.
>>if only it had worked.
> You really don't understand how this works, do you? That's okay, I
> really don't need you to.

oh, i'm sure it works EXACTLY how you think it your head. that
just doesn't match with reality.

>>looks like MATTHEW MOULTON is the ONLY one whos sig will be showing up in
>>those ng's.
> It only works<COCK SLAP>

did you say something?

free cl00...look at your 'newsgroups' that you're posting to. then, look at
mine. go ahead and google 'steve'...see what good it gets you. and if they
google stuckle, they'll see a mild mannered person being taunted by a
complete embassil...and they'll move on. so, i'm not really seeing your 'i'm
da clever-ist of dumball'.

LOL. *nods*. oO<COCK SLAP>

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