Posted by Steve on 10/04/07 23:07
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 16:50:47 -0500, Good Man <heyho@letsgo.com> wrote:
>>Drew <whoisthatmaskedman@hotmail.com> wrote in news:47055285$0$19000
>>> SpaceGirl wrote:
>>>> On the other hand, he makes a great character study.
>>> Well Matthew has admitted that OMH is just a "character". Thus nothing
>>> is factual. Just a front. A facade. OMH is a phony.
>>Rrrrrrright. His "character" posted libelous and slanderous words about
>>somebody molesting children. Wonder how that would hold up in court?
> Go run a search on "Larry Flint", retard, that's how it would hold up
> in court.
fallacy of conclusion. look that up. now, how does larry flint prove that
slandering someone is ok?
> Besides which, the point you dribblers keep missing is the fact that
> he was the one who first engaged on that level, accusing me of being
> impotent and homosexual.
in the quietness of this ng. as to jerry being the FIRST? IDIOT, you start
ALL your replies with 'you HOME, COCK, FAG, etc.'...guaranteed, you
instigate. he was just infering that you were a closet homo since you
'protest too much'.
> Just because I happen to be far better at
> wielding a sword doesn't change the fact that he drew his first.
look, when people call you a pencil-dick, the adjective 'pencil' does NOT
EQUAL a 'sword'...and is the ONLY thing you wield...and, i'm sure you beat
everyone at 'manning' that.
> Again, don't start nothin, won't BE nothin.
so THAT'S why you troll ! lol.
> You always have a
> choice...he just happened to have made a rather poor one.
i don't see that he has...except for not pressing charges.
>>Besides the fact that his website(s) make him look about 16 years old,
> Ahhh Hatter Addicts, then can seem to shut themselves the fuck up
> about all my websites...pretty sure it's a jealousy thing.
no, i've seen your back-orifice-production (aka, 'shit')...i assure you,
he's being kind by not calling it what it is...shit.
>>perhaps we
> Retar<COCK SLAP>
sorry, did you say something?
>>can take solace in the fact that anyone considering employing
>>his 'business' will google and find his website address attached to all
>>comments. Mind you, how anyone would go forth and say 'build me a
>>website' after looking at his Intro-To-Flash style websites is a little
>>tough to imagine.
> *sigh*
> You know, I really do miss the days when I wasn't actually that good
> at designing websites...
so, you miss waking up this morning? don't worry, tomorrow's a new day,
> At least I can enjoy the humor though in watching the lessers try and
> critique my work from their rudimentary and deficient level of
> ability.
this from the guy who has no idea what a bit or a byte is? lmao.
> The ASSumptions they make about various technologies and
> methods that they don't even understand is quite amusing really.
you fucking conventional-wisdom following sheeple! assumption == inference
== how we learn. no wonder you have the intellect of a gnat.
>>Perhaps someone should throw a beat-down on his "character".
> Keep dreamin, Sparkles.
nah, his 'character' is inseperable from his being. however he plays it,
he's still showing his 'character'. he's a dick that has no where to go but
trolling for attention. sad.
just let him show his nature...he beats himself down - even more than he
beats himself off.
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