Posted by Salve Hεkedal on 10/05/07 19:16
On 2007-10-05, Shelly <sheldonlg.news@asap-consult.com> wrote:
> "Salve HΓ₯kedal" <ikkjespam.salve@slogedalen.no> wrote in message
> news:QIydnd96g4tf5pvaRVnzvQA@telenor.com...
>> I'm going to make a small site whith a structure something
>> like this:
>> Navigation: | Files:
>> Home | index.php, in the web-page root directory
>> About us | about_us.php, in the web-page root directory
>> Band | referring to index.php in subdirectory
>> Theatre group | referring to index.php in another subdirectory
>> The subdirectories should be able to contain subdirectories...
>> I want 2 things to happen in the navigaton:
>> 1. If for example Home is the active page, it should not be a
>> hyperlink.
>> 2. If pages f.ex. in Band directory is the active page
>> (not if it's index.php in its directory), it too should appear
>> with its title not a hyperlink, AND with each level in its
>> path as hyperlinks, like this:
>> Home
>> About us
>> Band
>> dirlevel (of bands directory)
>> subdirlevel
>> active file
>> Theatre group
>> ---
>> I can't figure this out easily, but I'm shure it has been done
>> before!
>> --
>> Salve HΓ₯kedal
> What is your purpose in putting each file in its own sub-sub-sub-etc.
> directory? In fact, why are you putting any of these in
> subdirectories. Why not simply have the top level for Band be
> band.php? Unless you are going to search over files in a given
> directory, I see no reason for the added complications.
> Example: I have a site that has customers that placed an order for
> pictures. So, when the order is placed, I create a folder under a
> "photos" folder and call that folder by the order number. I then
> place the pictures for that order in that folder. That makes it easy
> to have a pointer to that directory and to delete them when needed.
> I see no such reason for doing so with your source code. Perhaps you
> might want a separate folder for Band and Theater for clarity. I just
> don't see any reason for going deeper than that. If you ahve a valid
> reason for doing so, please enlighten me.
> BTW, using relative paths works well.
> Shelly
You may be right, but I shure want _one_ level of subdirectories, to
keep it tidy!
How would nice code for that look, then?
Salve HΓ₯kedal
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