Reply to Re: Site Tracker Interface Design

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Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 10/05/07 22:07

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Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> So today I spent some time working on the interface design for the
> site tracker I built. This is what I got so far:
> The pie chart design will look very similar to the bar chart design
> when finished.
> One of the REALLY cool features my site tracker will have, that all
> the others I've seen don't, is the "user-track" feature, which will
> allow you to look at the browsing stats of each individual user who
> visits the domain. You'll not only be able to see which sites they
> visited, but how long they stayed, what parts of the site they looked
> at and you'll be able to see their extended history to find out how
> often they visit the sites. And of course you'll also be able to see
> some trends, like the most popular site sections, the average user
> visit length of time on each sub site, etc, etc.
> It'll be especially handy with sites like my sprite generator to get a
> good idea of the parts that are most in demand which I can then use to
> "target update" in order to maximize traffic.
> All in all, it's gonna be a VERY cool thing, and ever so much better
> than the current form:
> ...lame!


I'm sorry Oni', before searching for matthew moulton on the internet I
never realised the number of people you
Congratulations you're almost an internet fad - too bad that puts you
not quite as famous as starwars kid.

I hope we have the best of arguments in the future ;]

- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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