Posted by J.O. Aho on 10/07/07 08:18
nonce999 wrote:
> not not.
> the problem is not in the client but in the server.
You get the script better working for most visitors if they get their own time
instead of the servers.
> the server turn 2 hour behind randomly.
Only option would be if the servers hardware clock is broken and you run the
ntp update not enough times to keep the time right.
Apache itself won't affect the time, it will always use the time that the
system says it has.
PHP won't temper with the time, it do read the system time too, but of course
ill written PHP scripts may convert the system time badly when it tries to
change timezones.
Still, the best solution would be to not initialize the time based on the
servers clock, but on the clients clock.
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