Posted by aj on 10/10/07 18:08
A few collation questions on SQL Server 2005 SP2, which I'll call SQLS.
The default collation for SQLS is apparently SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
I wish to use a variation of this, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AI
collation, but there is no such collation returned from
fn_helpcollations(). Also, if I try to use this collation in
a CREATE DATABASE stmt, SQLS yells about it.
I see that there is a Latin1_General_CS_AI. What effects are there
in using this collation? The SQL_* collations are SQL collations,
while non-SQL_* collations are Windows collations, yes? SQLS runs
only on Windows, so am I safe in using Latin1_General_CS_AI? What
does the CP1 in the SQL collation signify? Am I asking for trouble?
Assuming that I set Latin1_General_CS_AI (or any other case-sensitive
collation) at the database level, I believe my DDL/DML for that database
also becomes case-sensitive. How can I specify that I want ONLY my data
access to be case-sensitive, and not my DDL/DML? I don't want to have
to remember to type "select * from MyCamelCase" when "mycamelcase"
should work.
Any help appreciated.
A new SQLS DBA..
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