Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 10/10/07 16:09
Hash: SHA1
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Oct 2007 16:26:21 +0100, Brendan Gillatt
> <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Haven't replied to this post yet? Still googling for the definition of
>> assembly language? Decided that Steve and I do in fact know a damn lot
>> more than you when it comes to web-design?
> Actually I rather just enjoyed the idea of you wasting two or three
> hours of your worthless life typing out a 900 line posts that I won't
> ever even read. If that thought stops being so amusing I'll consider
> reading/replying to it. But really, I doubt there's anything in there
> aside from your usual miscomprehension, lies, bullshit and pathetic
> attempts at creating strawmen.
Denial again. Just can't face the plain and simple facts that you've
failed at web design. Big time.
> See the thing of it is, Brendan, I found a picture of you:
> http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/256/3/a/Two_Faces_by_brendangillatt.jpg
*grin* that was quite fun actually.
> ...yeah. And ever since I've seen that picture...I just...I just
> can't seem to take you seriously...at all. Maybe it's the fact that
> you look like yer still in middle school with a prepub, peach fuzz,
> scrote hair "mustache", or maybe it's those precious little baby girl
> freckles you're sportin, I dunno, but just knowing that you REALLY ARE
> some tweenage muppet fuck whose tryin to rip off someone else's
> blogger board...yeah...don't bother me kid, I get "grown up" things to
> do.
Aww, shame that photo was taken several years ago - could've been an even
bigger eye opener for you. Still, I am 16 and I have ripped every last
piece of proof out of every incredulous web design theory you've
presented me with. Feels good huh?
> Oh and before that pedophile Stevie jumps in tryin to slurp yer virgin
> ass and steal yer black cherry
I'm sure he wasn't even thinking like that - very strange the graphic
detail you provided, however.
> no, I'm not contradicting what I said
> about age in that other post
Sorry which post? Please provide a quote.
> it's just I'm drawing the line at fuckin
> puberty.
Did you never reach it?
> If yer gawd damn balls haven't even dropped I don't wanna be
> hearing about your "incredible insights" (read incredible stupidity)
> about the world of web development.
Because you didn't make the grade and never comprehended web design as
well as someone you're junior?
- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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