Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 10/10/07 21:27
Hash: SHA1
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:20:39 -0700, "G" <.@.> wrote:
>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>> On Tue, 9 Oct 2007 13:00:49 -0700, "G" <.@.> wrote:
>>>> Steve wrote:
>>>>> "G" <.@.> wrote in message
>>>>> news:470bd5cd$0$14146$742ec2ed@news.sonic.net...
>>>>>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 9 Oct 2007 14:12:43 -0500, "Steve" <no.one@example.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Brendan Gillatt"
>>>>>>>> <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote in
>>>>>>>> message news:cJ6dnZPFErQQAJbanZ2dneKdnZydnZ2d@pipex.net...
>>>>>>>>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
>>>>>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>>>>> Haven't replied to this post yet? Still googling for the
>>>>>>>>> definition of assembly language? Decided that Steve and I do in
>>>>>>>>> fact know a damn lot more than you when it comes to web-design?
>>>>>>>> he'll never say that. he usually just leaves a post dead when
>>>>>>>> really embarrassed, or the more it becomes obvious that he's a
>>>>>>>> tard, he'll throw bigger and bigger tantrums, snip your points
>>>>>>>> thinking that out-of-site is out-of-mind, or he makes it obvious
>>>>>>>> that he's ignoring your point by cutting it off with '<cock
>>>>>>>> slap>'...which i've started to do in turn with most of his
>>>>>>>> rantings. the guy's a duche with no personal life. he's piss
>>>>>>>> about that so he
>>>>>>>> vents here. sad really.
>>>>>>> Hey Steve, at the end of the day...I have websites...
>>>>>> A fan site about the Care Bears?
>>>>> exactly. and no client list either. ;^)
>>>> Does the myspace thing count? Maybe he's including the out-a-box
>>>> blog crap too.
>>>> Not sure, but those Flash sites he's got going on, whew, that's
>>>> like, big time programming huh?
>>>> Sheet. All those could be redone in Swish in about a day.
>>>> LOL
>>> Then let's see 'em, Junior! Or is talking shit all the better you can
>>> do? And really, it's not as if you can bitch about the time it would
>>> take seeing as how you spend ALL FUCKIN DAY LONG replying to my posts
>>> with all your posturing, bloated bullshit.
>> I'll look for an out-a-the-box editor that's still coding to 3.2 standards
>> and see if I can match your stuff.
>> No, wait. I can't.
>> You're right. I can't.
> Of course you can't, because I straight code in Notepad
Notepad? Even on your $25 adsense per week you can sure as hell afford
the open source Notepad++.
> and know
> specifically why exactly you would want to use that particular DTD
> with that particular page layout form in order to achieve the maximum
> level of cross browser/OS compatibility.
Maximum level of cross browser/OS compatibility with HTML 3.2 and flash?
What a chump. There is no other word to describe you as; just a plain chump.
> You, in all your stupidity, can't actually code, well, anything. You
> rely wholly on WYSIWYG editors written by tweenage muppet fucks with
> halfass support and template wizard bullshit.
- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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