Posted by Steve on 10/11/07 03:47
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:04:43 -0500, "Steve" <no.one@example.com>
> wrote:
>>"Brendan Gillatt" <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote
>>in message news:r6qdnTII9ZvmYJHanZ2dnUVZ8sTinZ2d@pipex.net...
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:15:40 -0500, "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote:
>>>>> lol. as soon as he mentioned that, i did the math in my *head* and
>>>>> guestimated (rounding and such) 7 hits per second. fact is, dilweed
>>>>> simply
>>>>> makes up shit
>>>> *Hatter leans back and gets caught with the happy lamp.*
>>> oh dear
>>exactly! i hope he's at home getting caught. walmart may see that in the
>>same light as his last employer, dairy queen. seems dairy queen said 'oh
>>dear' when they caught him happy on the job...then they said, 'you're
>>(which is not a foreign term to omh i'm sure).
> I hate to ruin yer lil Hatter fantasy, Stain, but the only time I ever
> got "fired" was at Sykes...and technically I quit about three months
> before they fired me,
now that's hilarious! you can't even fail when trying to quit. hint: if you
quit, you fucking l.e.a.v.e!!! so, your mental deficits aside, you got fired
and they made you leave. that would 'technically' be accurate. i'm sure that
had your embarrasment not been so complete being caught wacking off at work
that you just didn't come back, dairy queen most assuredly let you go. that
too, is more 'technically' accurate.
> I just went all Office Space on 'em, which was
> hella fun.
so, that's the evidence to prove omh [and others] is a *character* played by
matthew moulton? you're not fooling anyone. we know better already. as for
shocking anyone that you would go all [phrased as sophomorically as
warranted] 'office space on em', no, we kind of expect that.
> I really must recommend that to anyone working as a
> cubical monkey (which is most of you tards...well, except for you
> Stain, I guess yer still in middle school, huh?).
you've called 3 people 'stain' tonight. to which of those should we ascribe
your lack of wit or originality? as it is, i've only seen cubicals in the
bentonville offices. i know for a fact too, that dq only has them at their
corporate hq. what company is 'skye'? you do know there are several out
there with that name. if it was a programming job you had there, i don't
even have to ask why you lost your job...you have to have the capacity to
perform your job in order to keep it. again, i imagine that you
over-estimated yourself. whatever *your* reality, it is NOT anyone elses.
you are just getting caught with the consequences.
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