Posted by Peter Wilson on 07/24/05 03:21
Got this bit of code working on my own sever now worked out what I was
doing wrong but I cannot work out why it will not work on the server I
am uploading to.
The main difference I can see is that the one I am uploading to is on
version 4.3 and I am running version 5.
I am not using any version 5 specific coding could there be a set up
that I need to get changed on the remote sever.
All it seems to do it show the HTML but not parse the php only show it
on the page source. I would love to get this to work.
Many thanks
In article <>,
juglesh <> writes
>Peter Wilson wrote:
>> >> very nice but how do you get it to parse the code? there for executing
>> >> say the echo?
>> >
>> ><?php
>> >$var = "world";
>> >$string = "<html><etc> hello <?php echo $var; ?> --more stuff";
>> >eval('?>' . $string . '<?php ');
>> > ?>
>> >
>> >interestingly, if you swap lines 2 and 3, it wont work. That is, $var
>> >will be an empty string.
>> when I tried this pulling data from a table like this
>> <?php eval('?>' . $row_menutext['text'] . '<?php '); ?>
>> all I got was the <?php echo 'hello';?> put on the page not hello
>> echoed?
>hmm. looks right. I copied the code i pasted straight from a working
>script.(it says hello world) and thats about all i know about it. php
>configuration? uhh, security settings? do you have the <?php tags
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