Posted by Neredbojias on 10/17/07 04:22
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:35:32 GMT
cwdjrxyz scribed:
> On Oct 16, 9:56 pm, Neredbojias <monstersquas...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Now it won't even post new unless it's small.
>> Tomorrow is another day.
>> But if this keeps up, I'll be on Google Groups.
> Google Groups has also had troubles with some Usenet groups for at
> least a day. One group I read often has had no problems with reading
> or posting to existing threads or creating a new threads today.
> Another Usenet group that is concerned with the Microsoft WMP has had
> no posts, either new threads or answers, showing for many hours. This
> group usually is extremely active. I am guessing that the trouble may
> be on the Usenet end since Usenet listings involve combination of data
> from many servers. There are often times when posts will show on most
> readers and not on one or a few. The problem today seems to be a bit
> more general.
Yes, Usenet itself may be having problems, although the server Blinky gave
me worked. And why was my old server double-posting some of the same
messages with a time-space, usually more'n a day, between? The writing's
on the wall, cwdj.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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