Posted by Steve on 10/16/07 21:17
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Steve wrote:
>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:4LudnbwzYPc1cInanZ2dnUVZ_sDinZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> Steve wrote:
>>>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>>> news:NZqdncE6nNtVLInanZ2dnUVZ_h-vnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>>> Steve wrote:
>>>>>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:i7adnV5K8dHWvonanZ2dnUVZ_urinZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>>>>> Steve wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:kqednQyGiYzxa47anZ2dnUVZ_qLinZ2d@comcast.com...
>>>>>>>>> bb90125@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 14, 11:11 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> bb90...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I read below a claim that Jerry Stuckle is a registered sex
>>>>>>>>>>>> offender,
>>>>>>>>>>>> and that he molested someone. If this is true, doesn't this
>>>>>>>>>>>> make you
>>>>>>>>>>>> want to just punch him right in the face?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hate people who molest or harm children.
>>>>>>>>>>> ROFLMAO, danielcarringt...@gmail.com!
>>>>>>>>>>> You're even more stoopid than most trolls!
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe we outta take up a collection to pay OMH's plane fair down
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> Florida. The two of you should get along quite well together.
>>>>>>>>>>> Both of you have your heads up your asses!
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> ==================
>>>>>>>>>>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>>>>>>>>> Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>>>>>>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>>>>>>>>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>>>>>>>>>>> ==================
>>>>>>>>>> Shut your mouth, sir.
>>>>>>>>> ROFLMAO! Hit a sore spot, did I?
>>>>>>>> this is getting lame, jerry. don't these idiots have anything
>>>>>>>> better to do? i suppose that's a rhetorical question though.
>>>>>>> No, they don't, Steve. Can't you see that? Their only life is on
>>>>>>> usenet. They have no personal contact with people - people don't
>>>>>>> want to be around them.
>>>>>> i suppose small minds require even less stimuli to warrant
>>>>>> entertainment.
>>>>>> cheers.
>>>>> Yea, it really makes me wonder what their lives are like.
>>>> non-existent. ;^)
>>>>> I mean, we know Matthew hasn't had a date in over 10 years. And this
>>>>> "Daniel Carrington" (one of these days when I have some time I'll
>>>>> track down his real name) probably isn't any better.
>>>> to what end though? flaming is sufficient.
>>>>> But after his employer finds the stuff he's been posting on usenet
>>>>> he'll probably be out of a job. And he'll blame me for that, also.
>>>> do you know of any employers who 1) google their employees, and 2) take
>>>> into consideration what is being done on said employee's personal time?
>>>> i don't work there and am not sure he does either.
>>>>> These buys never learn, and they never take responsibility for their
>>>>> own actions.
>>>> omh posting slanderous material on the net is certainly grounds for
>>>> prosecution and will get him a nice fine. i was suprised you didn't
>>>> pursue that. a good joke would be to create a pseudo-summons and mail
>>>> it to his house. ;^)
>>>> as for the others posting here...i consider it all fun and games.
>>> Naw, he isn't worth it. I wouldn't get enough to pay the attorney's
>>> fees.
>>> As for the joke, yes, it would be fun. But that would just bring me
>>> down to his level.
>> or, you could set up a fake-but-very-real-looking company url that you
>> owned but looked like it was someone for whom you worked. show the email
>> addresses just as plain as day. omh gets pissed again and suddenly finds
>> your 'company's' website and starts email-blasting the f-outta-it. now
>> you've got his email trail to his isp, isp is contacted, omh is off the
>> web...albeit, briefly. none of that takes any real effort and the isp
>> will be happy to terminate his account. ;^)
> Again, not worth the effort. Most ISP's wouldn't terminate his account
> without some court order.
oh no...it's all in how you ask. if he emails your 'employer' the same kind
of shit he posted here, and you suggest they will become involved in a
potential libel/slander suit, they'll void him faster than currie;
especially if in addition to the emails, you show them the usenet threads
involving his threats and slander...they point to the isp as well. most will
dev/null his account b/c of the spam alone.
but, that's just a matter of how much he annoys you. ;^)
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