Posted by Chaddy2222 on 10/17/07 15:34
Andy Dingley wrote:
> On 17 Oct, 14:13, "www.jrdesignstudio.com" <i...@jrdesignstudio.com>
> wrote:
> > I would really appreciate some thoughts on our new site.
> Abysmal.
> I wander up to your site, looking to spend money on design skills and
> I'm told "You can't come in, you're not fashionable enough, your
> plugins are out of date and those jeans is casual."
> So, I won't. Goodbye.
> Incidentally, I do have the right plugin. Requiring it's bad enough,
> telling me I'm wrong when I'm not is unforgivable.
Browser sniffing gone horbly wrong? Is what normally causes that. In
this case though it could just be moronic design.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz
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