Posted by Rob Waaijenberg on 10/17/07 20:04
Robert Baer schreef:
> Have two problems with the following.
I have one problem with the following: it's not online.
So I had to copy/paste it to a local file and turn the validator on.
And guess what:
> Firstly, the W3C validator website no longer recognizes previously
> recognized DOCTYPE lines.
When I tried it, it *was* recognized. At least enough so the validator
could tell me it wasn't valid.
And why wasn't it valid? Because you used a transitional doctype for a
html file with a frameset.
Didn't you know that there is a special frameset doctype?
You'll find it here:
> What is needed now?
The right doctype, ofcourse.
> Secondly,how can one fix the FRAMESET complaint (CSE validator)?
Oh my, I hope this is not going to start one of those CSE-discussions again.
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> <!-- DOCTYPE not recognized by W3C -->
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
> <style type="text/css" media="all">
> </style>
> <meta name="copyright"
> content="Copyright (C) 2007 Petro-Gas LiftTech LLC All rights reserved.">
> <meta http-equiv="description"
> content="Customer-oriented manufacturer & supplier of low pressure
> gas well dewatering lifters." >
> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="lifter, pump, dewater, de-water,
> marginal, marginal well, marginal oil well, marginal gas well, low
> pressure gas well, dewatering, de-watering, efficent, economical, green" >
> <title>Petro-Gas LiftTech LLC</title>
> <!-- FRAMESET placement complaint -->
> <FRAMESET rows="114, *" NORESIZE=yes BORDER=0>
> <FRAME SRC="header.htm">
> <FRAME SRC="left_main.htm" NORESIZE NAME="left">
> <FRAME SRC="right_main.htm" NORESIZE NAME="right">
> </HEAD>
> </HTML>
Anyway, the frameset-complaint is probably because you put the frameset
in the <head>-section, where it doesn't belong.
Like my grandmother used to say: First the head, then the frameset.
You do realize that frames are not very popular these days, do you?
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