Posted by Robert Baer on 10/17/07 08:18
Rob Waaijenberg wrote:
> Robert Baer schreef:
>> Have two problems with the following.
> I have one problem with the following: it's not online.
> So I had to copy/paste it to a local file and turn the validator on.
> And guess what:
>> Firstly, the W3C validator website no longer recognizes previously
>> recognized DOCTYPE lines.
> When I tried it, it *was* recognized. At least enough so the validator
> could tell me it wasn't valid.
** Your experience differs from mine.
W3C eXplicitly stated that a doctype declaration was not present.
And about a year ago, it did not complain regarding the declaration.
> And why wasn't it valid? Because you used a transitional doctype for a
> html file with a frameset.
> Didn't you know that there is a special frameset doctype?
> You'll find it here:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/frames.html
** No, i had no idea such "subterfuge" existed or was necessary.
To add to confusion, one source eXplicitlystates that the statement
is case sensitive, and that "HTML" must be in lower case.
Your reference displays upper case.
>> What is needed now?
> The right doctype, ofcourse.
>> Secondly,how can one fix the FRAMESET complaint (CSE validator)?
> Oh my, I hope this is not going to start one of those CSE-discussions
> again.
>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>> <!-- DOCTYPE not recognized by W3C -->
>> <html>
>> <head>
>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
>> <style type="text/css" media="all">
>> </style>
>> <meta name="copyright"
>> content="Copyright (C) 2007 Petro-Gas LiftTech LLC All rights
>> reserved.">
>> <meta http-equiv="description"
>> content="Customer-oriented manufacturer & supplier of low
>> pressure gas well dewatering lifters." >
>> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="lifter, pump, dewater, de-water,
>> marginal, marginal well, marginal oil well, marginal gas well, low
>> pressure gas well, dewatering, de-watering, efficent, economical,
>> green" >
>> <title>Petro-Gas LiftTech LLC</title>
>> <!-- FRAMESET placement complaint -->
>> <FRAMESET rows="114, *" NORESIZE=yes BORDER=0>
>> <FRAME SRC="header.htm">
>> <FRAMESET COLS="179, *" BORDER=0>
>> <FRAME SRC="left_main.htm" NORESIZE NAME="left">
>> <FRAME SRC="right_main.htm" NORESIZE NAME="right">
>> </HEAD>
>> </HTML>
> Anyway, the frameset-complaint is probably because you put the frameset
> in the <head>-section, where it doesn't belong.
> Like my grandmother used to say: First the head, then the frameset.
> You do realize that frames are not very popular these days, do you?
So people tell me; all i know is that a few sites i visit use
framesets, that they work.
Not knowing sh*t from shinola, i borrowed code from one of those
sites and discovered these complaints.
If there is a better way, i would need a working example to crib from.
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