Posted by John L. on 10/18/07 13:53
David Sevilla wrote:
> Hi,
> On Oct 18, 3:03 pm, "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4...@centralva.net>
> wrote:
>>> I've put a form in my webpage:http://www.davidsevilla.com/personal-sp.html
>>> and I don't understand why I get some small extra space between the
>>> form and the previous line (in Firefox, in any case it's HTML Strict).
>>> It's the same if I change the "p" inside into a "div". I've tried to
>>> understand a bit how block elements work and so on, but this is too
>>> much for me :) Any explanations?
>> <p>s by default have margins (the extra space you see) and <div>s don't.
> Well, as I said I have tried both and they look the same...
>> form p { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
>> will get what your wish...
> It didn't, the space between the form and the previous line is still
> bigger than the previous one, even with style="margin: 0; padding: 0;"
> added to the "p" inside the form...
Add margin-bottom: 0; to the <p> immediately above the form, and either
use a div inside the form or add margin: 0; to the p inside the form.
As far as I know, forms don't have margins by detault in FF although you
might want to include
form {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
for IE's benefit.
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