Posted by David Sevilla on 10/18/07 14:33
> Add margin-bottom: 0; to the <p> immediately above the form, and either
> use a div inside the form or add margin: 0; to the p inside the form.
> As far as I know, forms don't have margins by detault in FF although you
> might want to include
> form {
> margin: 0;
> padding: 0;
> }
> for IE's benefit.
Well, I see clearly now that the extra space is nothing more that the
usual space between paragraphs. Even if I change the inside "p" into a
"div", it just doesn't work because the "p" before the form is
considered closed as soon as the "form" tag appears (this I deduce
from testing with the W3 validator).
So, I guess there are two different paragraphs here, and the solution
is to use CSS as suggested.
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