Posted by Neredbojias on 10/19/07 07:46
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 20:13:06
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> >> how did you deduce this? Seems a bit of a non-sequitir from here.
>> >
>> > Would you know a deduction from an induction from a reduction
>> > from an abduction?
>> Between the 2 of us, who would you say has a better grasp of the
>> English language? I'm not pointing this out just to "rub it in",
>> although as a woman you should be used to coming in second.
> Yeah, well, as a schoolboy, I am going to corner you today near
> that old Elm tree and make you drink frog soup which I made in Mr
> Castle's 4a science class Wed avo prac session.
Hehehe - frog soup. Sounds lovely. Of course then if some beautiful,
young princess came along and kissed me, maybe I'd regurgitate ambrosia.
> You won't be so
> brazen then...
Yeah, that'd cure me...
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