Posted by Ed on 07/25/05 02:54
Arjen wrote:
> Ed wrote:
>> Yes, that's the logical scenario I was thinking of ;-) I have the
>> luxury knowing that javascript is always enabled, so perhaps I will be
>> able to find a javascript solution, as obviously it's a client side
>> issue. Perhaps dynamically create hidden form fields containing last
>> mod date for each file selection.
>> Thanks for the confirmation.
> Overwriting on an intranet (allmost unlimited diskspace). Why not just
> backup the old files ?
> Arjen
Because documents (primarily PDF and Word) are being updated constantly,
by various employees/departments. When employees browse documents, they
expect each to be the most recently updated version. If a particular
document is uploaded and the existing document on the server is actually
more recent (uploaded by another employee), I want to avoid the more
recent document being backed up.
Ideally, there could be a filenaming convention that contains timestamps
as documents are created/modified, but we cannot rely on that...many
employees already have trouble conforming to standard rules, ie
avoidance of certain characters. That's why I want to try and control
things server-side, as documents are uploaded.
Koren Web Design Services
(304) 453 2145
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