Posted by Rincewind on 07/25/05 14:00
On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 14:42:53 -0400, Trypt wrote:
> Geoff Berrow wrote:
>> I noticed that Message-ID: <WYqdnRuO4bkiZX_fRVn-uQ@rogers.com> from
>> Trypt contained the following:
>>>I create a new style
>>>sheet, save the style file, everytihng is ok within dreamweaver, even
>>>when I preview. But when I upload everything onto the server, the html
>>>pages are not reading the css at all!
>> Stupid question, you are uploading the style sheet too?
>> Check your .html (or.php) pages have a line which reads something like:
>> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css
>> "href="directory/nameofstylesheet.css">
> I saved it in the cgi-bin directory while in dreamweaver and of course
> uploaded it. It did not work, so I tried to put it into the main
> directory, but same thing. Funny thing is that when I load my site, the
> only time the style sheet shows up in dreamweaver is when I open the
> actual page on which i used the sheet. Is there a way to make the sheet
> site wide while its already done?
> I even deleted it and made one from scratch, while the site was open in
> dreamweaver, but the same thing.
As Geoff said chechk that you have the following line in ALL your html
<link rel="STYLESHEET" href="Your_css_sheet_name_here.css" type="text/css"
And make sure that the sheet is in the same directory as your html pages.
Or change the href path to where you have your css sheet located.
If you still have trouble take a look at this page.
http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/css/style-html.html#external or
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