Posted by Jedi Fans on 10/04/31 11:22
cosmic foo wrote:
> "Jedi Fans" <"news[at]jedifans[--=dot==-]com"> wrote in message
> news:42e65451$1_2@mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com...
>> cosmic foo wrote:
>>> "Jedi Fans" <"news[at]jedifans[--=dot==-]com"> wrote in message
>>> news:42e64844$1_3@mk-nntp-2.news.uk.tiscali.com...
>>>> cosmic foo wrote:
>>>>> I have a page with about 100 images of about 10k each.
>>>>> where a typical img tag looks like this,
>>>>> <img src="item001.jpg" height="70" alt="" onMouseOver="showPic(this)"
>>>>> border="0">
>>>>> Not all the images need to be viewed at once, depending on what
> category
>>> is
>>>>> selected, only about 10 images are seen at any one time.
>>>>> I hide and show categories of images by setting a div container
>>>>> display:none/block or visibility:hidden/visible.
>>>>> Even though the images are cached on the client, when the page loads
> in
>>> ie,
>>>>> there is still a few seconds delay while it counts down until there
> are
>>> no
>>>>> items remaining.
>>>>> In firefox there is the same delay but instead of counting down it
> just
>>> says
>>>>> 'waiting for..'
>>>>> From what i understand, the way to get around this delay when loading
> is
>>> not
>>>>> to set the src of the image tags until later, when the images need to
> be
>>>>> viewed (using javascript).
>>>>> That's not a problem and i have tried it, and it works, but now (for
>>> some
>>>>> reason) the browser forgets that the images have been cached whenever
>>> the
>>>>> user returns to the site, and has to download the images from the
>>> server,
>>>>> the first time a particular category of images is viewed.
>>>>> This, i presume, is happening because the src attribute is no longer
>>>>> hard-coded in the source, and the browser cannot associate an entry in
>>> the
>>>>> cache with the src of an image that is set via javascript?
>>>>> So it looks like the only solution may be to generate the html on the
>>> fly,
>>>>> when it is needed, with the src intact, or to use frames to get the
> html
>>>>> when it is needed.
>>>>> Am i missing something here?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>> please dont cross post
>>> ?
>> dont post the same or similar message to multi newsgroups, as it wastes
>> peoples time...
> why, do you think everyone reads both html groups?
if ur gonna do it adress both newsgroups at same time, so answers in one
are answered in another... do this by in newsgroup field [or w/e] in new
message "alt.html, other.newsgroup" w/o quotes
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