Posted by William Hughes on 11/04/07 02:55
On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:46:29 -0000, in alt.html Cristian
<crisjunc@gmail.com> wrote:
>Now, my question is, Why the external css did not work, but the
>internal did? they do the same.
>div#logo {
> background-image: url('dat/img/corners.jpg') red;
><style type="text/css">
Instead of 'background-image', try just 'background':
..marines {color: #660000; background: #acb78e
url(bg-marines.gif); border-color: #ff0033}
translation: dark rust red, swamp green/digital camouflage, medium red
William Hughes, San Antonio, Texas: cvproj@grandecom.net
The Carrier Project: http://home.grandecom.net/~cvproj/carrier.htm
Support Project Valour-IT: http://soldiersangels.org/valour/index.html
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