Posted by Jochem Maas on 02/11/05 23:36
Jason Barnett wrote:
> Richard Lynch wrote:
>> Steve Kaufman wrote:
>>> Why does
>>> quotemeta("pat:1$WRW")
>>> return
>>> pat:1
>>> instead of
>>> pat:1\$WRW
>>> What am I misunderstanding about quotemeta function?
>> You usually would use quotemeta on data coming from the database, or the
>> user, or externally, or, errr, basically things you haven't typed in to
>> PHP, that you need to pass into Regular Expressions.
>> In those cases, you've already got the $ (and other characters)
>> successfully embedded in the string, but you want to escape them for
>> whatever reason.
>> A better example code would be:
>> $string =
>> 'period.backslash\\plus+star*question?lbracket[rbracket]carat^lparen(rparen)dollar$';
>> echo "<PRE>", quotemeta($string), "</PRE>";
> Interesting aside... with the test string above, I noticed that
> backslash\\ only resolved to two backslashes. I thought there would be
thats correct...
echo "\\"; // shows one backslash
> 4. It seems that quotemeta will resolve \ and \\ to \\, \\\ and \\\\
> resolve to \\\\, etc.
> --
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