Posted by Bone Ur on 11/05/07 20:05
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16:47:40 GMT
Harlan Messinger scribed:
> Ed Jensen wrote:
>> Right about now, I'm sure Ivory Tower types are blaming this on web
>> developers writing bad CSS or something. But the fact of the matter
>> is, if a tool makes it hard to do things right, then the tool should
>> probably be considered fundamentally broken.
> Rocket science and brain surgery are fundamentally broken?
Rocket science and brain surgery are not tools, they are entire disciplines
and considerably more complicated than hypertext rendering. I absolutely
agree with Ed Jensen on this; in fact, it is the crux of all my complaints
about the w3c and its schizoid attempts to improve what it has in effect
degraded to a considerable extent instead. In summary form, the w3c lacks
real innovation, choosing rather to patch crap which should reworked or
eliminated as facilely as they eliminated the "target" attribute from the
strict dtd because they thought it inappropriate. That was a sure and
signal sign of their incompetence.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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