Reply to Re: confused on arrays

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Posted by Tom on 11/05/07 18:45

On Sun, 04 Nov 2007 07:37:22 +0100, J.O. Aho wrote...
>ja wrote:
>>> The brackets are used to access a particular element of an array or a
>>> character in a string.
>> So the bracket is used only when I need to access whatever is contained in
>> the array while parents are used to construct them? Do I have it somewhat
>> correct?
>No, not only,
>assign new values to an array
>which is equal to (using the functions array_push())
>and of course you can access the content on an array by specifying a cell
>echo $array[0];
>keep in mind that in an array, 0 is the first cell and 1 is the second one.

You can use numeric values in the brackets to create a scalar array...

$array[0] = 'first';
$array[1] = 'second';

of you can create associative arrays for key/value pairs, such as ...

$array['age'] = 18;
$array['date'] = '2007-11-05';

Depending on your application, one may be more useful that the other.

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