Posted by Bone Ur on 11/07/07 19:26
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 16:42:18
GMT 1001 Webs scribed:
>> >> What is oversized? If it is oversized without any font-size
>> >> specs, your browser needs adjusting.
>> > I mean oversized when it doesnt fit in the boxes is supposed to.
>> > I think is almost done now.
>> Then it's worse. It's not your browser that needs adjusting, it is
>> your design.
> No idiot, no.
> The text has to fit in the box, moron.
Er, why does an opposing opinion make one an idiot?
>> It is plain stupid to expect resizable text to fit in some
>> arbitrarily sized box.
> It is plain foolish, to say the least, to give opinions without
> knowing about the dimensions of the box.
<grin> What is it: 10,000,000px x 10,000,000px? Even so, 'doubt the
Encyclopedia Britannica would fit.
> But by now I know that's a typical reply of smartalec rf.
> The poor soul ...
rf isn't a smartalec, he's just politically incorrect.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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