Posted by Els on 11/08/07 20:22
VUNETdotUS wrote:
> On Nov 8, 12:03 pm, Els <els.aNOS...@tiscali.nl> wrote:
>> Els wrote:
>>> background:url(image.jpg) no-repeat bottom left;
>> Sorry, make that background:url(image.jpg) no-repeat left bottom;
>> (first horizontal, then vertical position)
> what if I already have a background? can I use 3 backgrounds in one
> element for top,left, bottom?
Not in the current CSS support, no. But you can nest divs. As it so
happens, Nik just started on a nice tutorial on how to do this for
fluent design: http://nrkn.com/index.html
For fixed width, you'll probably (depending on the design of course)
need only three divs: top, middle, bottom.
Also, you can re-use divs you're already using anyway, such as the
header for the top border and corners, the footer for the bottom ones,
and the container around the page for the repeated background in the
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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