Posted by ould.zoubeir on 11/09/07 16:41
On 2 nov, 10:58, shimmyshack <matt.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 8:28 pm, apaezp <apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi:
> > I am trying to access a WebService using the PHP 5.2.2 Soap
> > Extension. Everything seems to work fine, but after connecting to the
> > service and sending a request I get a NULL response. I know for a
> > fact that the service does send some data in document/literal style,
> > because the response can be seen with soapUI. However, no matter what
> > options I try with my SoapClient call, I only get a NULL response.
> > I have no problems with RPC WebServices, could it be that the problem
> > is because it is a document/literal service? If so, does anyone have
> > an example of the correct syntax to use in those cases?
> > Thanks.
> i know its not the answer but you /could/ proxy your soap request via
> your home server running paros or fiddlertool (if your test server is
> not at home) and check the headers etc... Its the sure fire way to
> detect differences and narrow down your issues.
You have to send the founction's parameters in array, for example:
$client =new SoapClient("your wsdl file");
$client->YourFunction(array('param1' =>'Value1','param2'=>'value2'));
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