Posted by Bone Ur on 11/11/07 09:14
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 07:57:17 GMT
> Hi,
> I know how to use innerHTML but I want to use it to dynamicly include
> other text files on the web server.
> I know this can be done by php (did that before) and SSI (not yet
> done) but since I moved my personal site to the site of the provider
> that does not support php and SSI I'm looking for a system that always
> works under html + javascript
> thanx
> Marco
You can use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="text.txt"></script>
and put it in your page where you want the text. In "text.txt" do a
document.write. (Avoid xhtml.)
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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