Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/13/07 12:32
1001 Webs wrote:
> On Nov 12, 12:04 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> 1001 Webs wrote:
>>> On Nov 12, 2:56 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> 1001 Webs wrote:
>>>>> On Nov 12, 12:58 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>>>> 1001 Webs wrote:
>>>>>>> On Nov 12, 12:49 am, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> 1001 Webs wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 11, 11:32 pm, "Red E. Kilowatt" <redkilowattREM...@aww-faq.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> 1001 Webs <1001w...@gmail.com> wrote in message:
>>>>>>>>>> 1194784751.928910.125...@o3g2000hsb.googlegroups.com,
>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 11, 12:52 pm, 1001 Webs <1001w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is he blind, really? Now it all makes sense.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am awfully sorry.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't know that, no one told me.
>>>>>>>>>>>> That makes me a bloody asshole then.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry Chaddy, I still don't know why you attacked me in the first
>>>>>>>>>>>> place, but please, accept my apologies.
>>>>>>>>>>>> it wasn't at all my intention to make fun of someone with
>>>>>>>>>>>> disabilities.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I'd better go now, Good-bye everybody.
>>>>>>>>>>> One question remains, though.
>>>>>>>>>>> If Chaddy is blind, how come he's doing Flash "presentations"?
>>>>>>>>>>> http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz/portfolio.php
>>>>>>>>>>> Please explain that to this bloody asshole.
>>>>>>>>>>> Either of two, he's not blind or he doesn't have any consideration for
>>>>>>>>>>> real blind people.
>>>>>>>>>> For a moment there you did the right thing, and now you're being a dick
>>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>> Can't help it.
>>>>>>>>> It's Jerry's fault.
>>>>>>>>> In real life I am a very polite person, the kind old Ladies love to
>>>>>>>>> have for company for games of Bridge and tea parties.
>>>>>>>>> But just thinking of him, I start to envision all kinds of bizarre
>>>>>>>>> things.
>>>>>>>>> I have consulted the problem with my psychiatrist, and after reading
>>>>>>>>> the Posts, she says that if it feels good, go ahead and do it,
>>>>>>>>> because, I quote:
>>>>>>>>> "It will help him realize that verbal abuse can be very damaging,
>>>>>>>>> It is also crucial that he gets help in this instance.
>>>>>>>>> There are professionals who are qualified to help him to discontinue
>>>>>>>>> abusing other people.
>>>>>>>>> They will also help him to look at his underlying issues, like his
>>>>>>>>> fixation with "mommies" and physical organs.
>>>>>>>>> He's clearly in need of attention. Perhaps he, too, was abused at some
>>>>>>>>> time".
>>>>>>>>> So I am doing it for his own good.
>>>>>>>>> Because after all, I am a nice person, and he has to come to realize
>>>>>>>>> that CRIME, in any of its variations, does not pay off.
>>>>>>>> ROFLMAO. So I made you be an idiot!
>>>>>>>> You really do need a psychiatrist.
>>>>>>>> On second thought, you should be in an institution.
>>>>>>> You should know about institutions, specially PENAL ones.
>>>>>> ROFLMAO!
>>>>>> Look back - YOU'RE the one with the obsession for wankers, Ahmed.
>>>>> Why do you call me foreign names?
>>>>> Tell me, do you find yourself speaking spontaneously in tongues?
>>>>> I am not completely sure, but I think it's a symptom that could give
>>>>> us a clue about what's gone wrong in your deranged mind.
>>>>> I have to ask my psychiatrist to find out what it means, I'll let you
>>>>> know ...
>>>>>> Now you had better get going. I hear your mommy calling.
>>>>> I know what that one means. Auditory hallucinations are a key sign of
>>>>> schizophrenia.
>>>>> Man, you're in a worse condition that I thought...
>>>>> Seek professional help, QUICK !!!
>>>> We know who you are, Ahmed, and you can't hide it. Now you'd better go
>>>> see what your mommy wants.
>>> Who are "we"?
>>> Who is "Ahmed"?
>>> Who is "mommy"?
>>> Please Jerry, pay attention to me for a second.
>>> Seek medical help, NOW !!!
>>> You are potentially dangerous to people around you.
>>> You should be put away, specially when taken also into account your
>>> CRIMINAL record.
>> ROFLMAO,! Oh, Ahmed, you think we're so dumb. But the only stoopid one
>> here is you! And you make a lousy liar.
>> Or maybe we should let the rest of the world know you live at 35 Avda
>> America in Madrid, Spain.
> Don't know who that person may be,
> but I think that what we should let the rest of the World know is that
> besides committing fraud, you also beat up your wife:
> Case Number: 0602SP019022003Claim Type:DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
> What a loathsome low-life coward you are.
Try again, Ahmed. It doesn't work! ROFLMAO!
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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