Posted by Ed Mullen on 11/13/07 20:11
BootNic wrote:
> Ed Mullen <> wrote:
>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>> Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> [snip]
>>>> Very simple example...
>>>> .htaccess file
>>>> RewriteEngine On
>>>> RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $1.php
>>> Excellent. Thank you all. I do have the ability to edit the
>>> .htaccess file. I will go read more so as not to be quite as
>>> dangerous as I am now.
>> Well, that was interesting.
>> Using the above RewriteRule I did a test. And the only way it works
>> is if I rename the calling .html file to .shtml. Which, obviously,
>> defeats the purpose.
>> Is this something that can configured/over-ridden using the .htaccess
>> file? Or is it at the server configuration level (which I do not have
>> access to)?
> You could try to use RedirectMatch in your .htaccess:
> RedirectMatch 301 (?i)^(.*)\.html(.*)$ $1.php$2
Ok, that seems to be doing the trick! Thanks!
Now, how do I turn that off for a given folder on the Web server? Is
that possible? What would I put in the folder's .htaccess files?
Ed Mullen
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
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